Friday, October 27, 2006

Hi Guys...

HIP HIP HORRAY!!! Great Job Julie!!!

I am still here!! I check in every once in a while but haven't took time to journal or even remark to any posts. The one who is hurting from this is me. I have only lost 2.4 pounds in a month. The gym is still a faint memory of mine. I visted the doctors for my yearly exam and asked the doctor if I was ever going to get rid of this sickness. She said another 2 weeks. YUCK!! I told her that I was having a hard time getting back to the gym. DUH she said to get back there and just do what I can. Don't make excuses to not go. Even if I am only able to go 5-10 min on the tredmill that is more than I would have.

My goal is to be more commited to me....I am going to post more often and get back to the gym.
Thanks Jules for once again picking me up and getting me motivated.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, Tracy! I know you can do it! Absolutly take time for you and take care of one else can or will! You deserve nothing less.

We all believe in you and are totally pulling for you, Babe.


Kristina said...

Hey Tracy, at least the scale moved DOWN! We don't like it when it goes the other way. And please cut yourself a little slack concerning the gym. You were sick girl! Just go slow, you need to get fully well.
I'm glad to see you posting again. : ) You just keep putting one foot in front of the other, hon.


Chickadeeva said...

Hey Tracy,

I feel your pain. I've had a hard time getting myself to move forward too. Today I had a chance to curl up in a ball and slack off, but instead I walked down by the lake and admired trees. It was a small choice, but a good one.

The fresh air did me good, the trees are gorgeous, and it helped me remember what I'm doing this for - TO ENJOY LIFE in a GREATER WAY.

Tracy said...

Good Job ELicia...I had to laugh though when you said you were walking outside, because here in Havre, MT it is 17 degrees right now, probably closer to zero with the wind chill.
What a diffrence we can make when we talk our self into doing something GOOD for us. Great Job.