Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Serious Aim...

Today I had a lesson riding a horse.
Tuckered me out.

Friday I get to go on my first cross country lesson - this is a huge step for me.

But today, I'm tuckered.

Hey - tell me, how do some of you keep yourself from compromising your good efforts from a workout by saying, "I worked hard today...I can afford a _____"

How are you all keeping aim?


Lisa said...

You should reward yourself, it's just a question of what you reward yourself with. "I did so well today, I deserve a Hershey's kiss" is okay. "I did well today, I deserve a bag of Hershey's kisses" is obviously not.

I try to find non-food ways to reward myself. Most of those have to do with naps or bubble bath of some sort.

Kristina said...

I'm with Lisa, try to find some non food ways. However, I think it's okay to ocassionally let yourself have a treat.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Figure out your bounderies before you are in a position to make a decision. (I am not eating sugar, I am not eating after 8 PM, I am not eating to reward myself, I am not eating white flour, etc.) Then, when you come to a time when you have a decision, you can look at your plan and see if what you are thinking of eating is "on plan" or "off plan". Once you identify that, you can be honest about yourself when and if you eat it.

"I am making the decision to eat this even though it is not part of my plan. Am I okay with this? Is it worth breaking my plan over? If I had to write this down and be accountable for it, would I still want to do it? If I wait 5 minutes, will my craving for this non plan item to leave?"

Just some thoughts.

Here is a fortune cookie paper I received a few months ago. I keep it by my computer:
"You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course."

In the end, I think it is all about being honest with yourself. It is all about you and you must champion for your own cause or no one else really will.

Love to you! Jules

SueAnne said...

I am with Jules. The best way to reach goal is to stay on course. There will be side trips, and that is normal. But acknowledge them as side trips. Don't kid yourself. They are what they are and too many of them leads to a different road, not neccessarily a successful road:)

Chickadeeva said...

I like Lisa and Kris' small rewards system. If the emotional awards aren't big enough at this point to speak of (minimal endurance increase, minimal weight loss) then I need something more tangible to make me feel patted on the back.

I agree, side trips are inevitable, and I'm not going to punish myself too much, but the most important part is that I continue forward.

Tracy said...

FOR SURE reward youself. A great reward I like is a pedicure. I set a weight goal and once I have met it I schedual a pedicure. I think another thing is to set realistic mini goals. It really helps to stay focus.