Thursday, October 26, 2006

More numbers to brag about!

I had Kristina measure me today. It has been 2 months since my last measurements. The results were pretty fun...In two months, I have lost 9 inches and 6.4 lbs. Here they are, the numbers in parenthesis are the total inches lost since Dec. '04. Considering that my waist used to be larger than my bust is now...I truly feel like the shrinking woman:

Bust 39.5 (-6.5)
Waist 34 (-11)
Abs 39 (-5.5)
Hips 41.75 (10.25)
Thigh 22.25(x2) (-9.5)
Arm 13(x2) (-4)

Difference: 271.5-224.75= 46.75 inches lost
Weight 169.4 Total lost since Dec. '04: 48.6 lbs.


Kristina said...

Your waist used to me larger than your bust?!?!? Wowzers!

You truly are the incredible shrinking woman. You're just steamrolling your way to you goal. I'm so proud of you babe!


Chickadeeva said...

Wow, your thighs are thinner than mine now :-)

You are now pushing me forward!

Maybe we need to plan a Hawaii trip to show off our bodies?

Mom2the6Rs said...


SueAnne said...

That is so great Julie! You are so inspiring:)

Tracy said...

WOW!! Way to go. You are so awesome...Those numbers just prove how hard you have worked.