Monday, October 09, 2006

Tina (Pink Slippers) is celebrating a birthday today!

Oh, my sweet Tina, you are such a dear, dear lady. You are such an encourager and you have much wisdom and joy to impart to all who know you. Be blessed today and each day of the coming year. Revel in the gifts God has given you in your family, your health and your faith. We are so proud of you, on this blog. Keep up the hard work, Karate chopping your way to success and dancing your way into the courts of our King!

Love you much,


Kristina said...

Happy birthday hon!
Love, Kristina

Lisa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tina, I hope the next year brings you many unexpected blessings. In the meantime, though, have a great day!


Lisa said...

Okay guys (and sorry for hijacking your birthday post, Tina), but apparently I'm no longer part of this blog! I can't access it through Blogger dashboard and it doesn't show me on the contributors... Who did I make mad, how many compliments will it take to fix it, and how do I come back to the land of the blogging? :)

Jules, HELP!

Paige said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Mom2the6Rs said...

OH, LIsa, I am so sorry. I must have deleated you by mistake. I was cleaning house! Yikes! Send me your email at shutterbugphoto@hotmail(dot)com


Chickadeeva said...

Happy Birthday! We love and celebrate YOU!

Happy New Year!

Tracy said...

Happy Belated Birthday....