Monday, January 28, 2008

Jan inspired me...agian!

Thank you, Jan, for inspiring me. I started my fitness journal today at I even set a new goal for my weight loss. I might adjust things as I go, but for now, I have a direction and a plan! Here we go again!

PS, it would help me be more faithful if I could rope some of you gals into posting there, too.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I would, but I hate having to list all the ingredients, etc. to get an accurate calorie count. I don't mind journaling what I eat so much, but that seems tedious to me. Maybe I'll give it another try.

Your goal sounds really doable. I need to make one too. I'm taking a trip in April, maybe I'll try to figure out an appropriate goal for that. I'm feeling a definte lack of commitment, though. :-P