Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year - NO resolutions

There's a new year a-comin. There are new starts to calendars, new years to write on checks, new clothes from presents and new hopes for health and success.

But there is one thing that should remain absent from the new year.


Why? Well - why start out your year with a goal that will probably be over-zealous and depress you if you fail? Why value the new year more than the true goals of your heart?
A Monday is a good day to start a new thing. So is a Friday. So is a New Years...but do the days you choose to start a good thing matter? No. Its the goal in your heart that motivates you - not the calendar.

So do yourselves a favor. Pour yourselves a glass of water. Resolve in your heart to continue drinking it thru the day. Who knows what will happen tomorrow, next year, but we know that NOW is the time for good choices.

Setting yourself up for Success by NOT making resolutions? Sounds odd - but I'll take it!


Jennifer said...

I agree. I never make New Year resolutions. I make all kinds of little resolutions throughout the year. Some I'm successful with, some I need to keep working on.

Lisa said...

Resolutions are kind of a day-to-day thing and I think you're right about them. However, my goal for the next year is to train for and run a marathon sometime next fall. I think I can do it and, since it's not a day-to-day thing that's easy to let lapse I think it'll be much easier to stick with than a resolution.

I also make goals right around my birthday. So far I've met last year's big goal and in pretty good position on the smaller ones.

Mom said...

Resolutions can be so stressful. For me, I always have things in the fire and one or two could be classified as a resolution. I want to work with free weights more and I want to keep up with my pushups and crunches. I also want to do more paintings and I think those all will help me in general. The painting will be the best of the lot.