Thursday, December 20, 2007


I was playing around today with My Virtual Model, trying on different outfits, trying to visualize the difference 40 pounds can make. I decided that with the right clothes I look pretty darn good now, but at my goal weight I am HOT. Hee!Hee! Anyway, here I am. Like my hairdo?

And here I am stripped down. If only my skin were as smooth and nice in real life. I have a feeling that even at my goal weight I'll find something to be unhappy about when I look in the mirror, and that perhaps, is the more important transformation we all need to make -- becoming happy with who we are, seeing and loving ourselves the way God loves us.


Chickadeeva said...

I think you look nice either way :-)

Kristina said...

Are you kidding me? You are a hottie in both of these images!!! : )

Patty said...

I know I'm a bit late "weighing in" on this, but actually I think the one on the right looks kinda skinny. Not that that is all bad; it's just that we here in U.S. are so focused on being super skinny.

I agree with look hot now.