Monday, April 09, 2007

Wow! What do ya say to THAT?

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I was humbled yesterday as we were leaving church, a woman that I really don't know very well approached my husband, and this is what she said; ' Your wife looks just stunning'. I was speechless. I mean, I think I mumbled a thankyou, but I was a little embarrassed.
We are our own worst critics, though, aren't we? We tend to see all of the flaws in our own appearance. My thing lately, is noticing the wrinkles that are becoming more apparent. I'm almost 39, and at this point in time we're suppose to have them ...right? But that doesn't make it any easier to see them in your own reflection. I've just conceded that I'm going to do the best I can, with what I've been given. I'm going to be a runner, and I'm going to be fit. And those days like yesterday, where most of us eat more than we should. I'm going to run an extra mile or two, just like I did this morning. And I'm going to love myself, whether the scale stays the same or not, because I am worth loving.


Melissa said...

Amen to that - why is it that we have such a hard time accepting a compliment? I had someone call me out on it the other day. It really made me think about how I respond to people who are just trying to be nice.

~Jennifer said...

I agree, you do look stunning! What a beautiful color that is on you too!

Chickadeeva said...

Amen - you sound so healthy!

Jeffrey Kay taught me this - when someone says a compliment, say Thank you aloud, but think: YOU'RE WELCOME.

They are welcome for the effort you made to be pretty, you are welcoming them for the efforts you make to be present, to be a great person....

So, instead of thinking, "Oh, Thank you....but (insert the negation of the compliment here)"

We should think, "You are welcome."

Its helped me :-)

Kimberly B. said...

You are stunning and I don't even see one wrinkle. So I really don't know what you are talking about.

Lisa said...

Exactly what Jennifer said. You are gorgeous!

Mom2the6Rs said...

I can't tell you how happy I was to read this post and see you lift yourself up. You do deserve love. You bet. I am so proud of you, girl. You are a beauty and your husband is one lucky man.


Kristina said...

You ladies are all so sweet and encouraging! I'm sending out a big cyber hug...