Monday, April 02, 2007

No Pressure Now...

I suppose it's no secret that I've hit a wall lately, which has left me pretty indifferent to everything. How I keep the house, what I do at work, how I've been eating, and whether I'm getting enough exercise. In short, a pretty big case of the blahs.

It's not that I'm bored or unhappy, I'm just seriously lacking in inspiration and trying to break out of it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I've been trying to manufacture my own inspiration - the March challenge, or running next to someone at the Y since I'm so stubborn that I won't slack off if someone is watching - but it hasn't been working. But the weather is getting gorgeous, shaking off the last of winter, so I'll try something new.

This week I have good, healthy foods prepared and in the fridge. My kitchen is clean, the closets in the house are organized, and I finally went through various cupboards and got rid of the things I no longer use. I took the train to work this morning, walking to the station and I will (have to) walk home again this evening. I have racquetball scheduled for tonight, tennis for tomorrow and Thursday, and either Wednesday or Friday I will go to the Y. In short, I am set up for a week of success.

And Jennifer - with her incredible progress so far (yeah for the new jeans!) - and Kristina - running races that a year ago she thought were impossible - are my inspiration for the week.

We'll see how it goes.


~Jennifer said...

I sure understand those blahs and how hard it is to find some motivation and inspiration. That's why I signed up to do the breast cancer walk. I was neither motivated nor inspired when I signed up, but I thought if I committed myself in that way, it would force me to move ahead even though I didn't feel like it.

What I discovered was feeling great came after I moved, and yeah sometimes I still feel blah, but I remind myself that I can still move even if I don't feel like it, and the rewards still come even if I move without inspiration.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Way to go, Lisa! I am shaking off my blahs, too. Let's spring clean the cobwebs out of our mind and lives together! I have also been reading again...that is a sign of new life appearing. I haven't written on my reading blog in awhile, but I will. Been reading some Frank McCourt, I have.


Chickadeeva said...


The sunshine chases away my blahs. I took a two hour walk with the baby today (and the dog) and while it was great to get my legs moving, I did find it even nicer to be outside breathing the bright air.

Maybe you can get yourself outside into some nice weather and get those Vitamin D and brain chemicals a-working in your favor!