Monday, April 16, 2007

Almost 10 Pounds

The pictures on the left were taken on March 4th. I weighed 234.2 pounds and was wearing size 18. The ones on the right are from today (April 16th) and I weigh 225 pounds and I'm wearing size 16. I'm ten pounds away from my short term goal of 215 and I have 65 pounds more to lose until I reach my ultimate goal of 165 pounds.

The walking is going really well too. I get together with other 3-day walkers in training on Saturdays and we're increasing our mileage each week. I notice that every week I feel better and stronger on these walks. That feels as good as watching the numbers on the scale go down, and putting on smaller jeans.


Kimberly B. said...

I am noticing a big difference. Keep going. You look like you are starting to really feel healthy. I can see it in your face.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Jennifer, you are really in my mind throughout the day, I think about your inspiring drive to get to your goals right now and it helps me in my own pursuit. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are a great part of this blog.

Proud of you!

Lisa said...

Kim's right - your fact looks a lot different but you are really noticeably thinner! Doesn't that feel great?!

Proud of you too,

Chickadeeva said...

You know what I see the most here?

Your posture, your carriage - your self-esteem is getting more evident!

I'm sure as you lose weight, you'll find yourself walking a little taller, standing a little straighter - and you've already begun!

Kristina said...

Ten pounds can make a big difference Jennifer, as seen here. I totally agree with Elicia, about your posture, and what the represents. Pride girl!
Keep up the great work Jennifer!

~Jennifer said...

How come my "before" pictures went away? That's weird.