Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Poetic Moment...Sort Of

I took "before the Blog" pictures today

And nobody will get to see them

Not even people who see me in "real" life

Until there are "after" pictures

To show how far I've come.


Not exactly haiku, but it was enough motivation to get me to work out today and to keep me from trying to fix a bad day at work with chocolate!


Kristina said...

Good for you Lisa. You know where you want to be, and what you want to look like. Look out size 8! Here she comes to buy a new wardrobe! It's only a matter of time girlfriend.

Mom2the6Rs said...

OH!! I have put up fat photos, Lisa! But to each his own. I just think they are bragging rights in the making. Unless you're not serious....are you serious, girl?


Lisa said...

I am absolutely serious about this, Jules, but I'm cautious not to do anything which would make me lose motivation.

I think I would get discouraged by posting the fat pictures first - it's one thing to be excited about getting in gear, it's another to be depressed about your current circumstances.

That said, I can't WAIT to have something extremely positive to show you, Jules. In fact, that alone is pretty good motivation - you know the fat pictures exist and that you'll see them when I've achieved some real and measurable success. It motivates me to hurry up so I can have something to show off.

Does that make any sense?


Mom2the6Rs said...

Absolutely! Go for it, girl.
