Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The big Three- O

I have done it. I have lost my first thirty. Well, 30.6 to be exact. This morning at Curves after I weighed, I walked over to the other women with my arms raised up, like a champion, and proudly proclaimed my success. What a great feeling. What a way to start the morning off. One day at a time, one meal at a time. I will make it to my goal! : )


Mom2the6Rs said...

Kristina, this is such amazing news! You are amazing! I must see you, I must hug you, I must congratulate you and jump up and down with you, girl! I must rub your head for good fortune and keep a lock of your hair in my wallet...Okay, that is taking it too far, but you are my Weightloss Idol! So proud of you!


SueAnne said...

You are leading the pack Kristina! May I ride your coat tails? WOO HOO!

Bickler3 said...

I don't like you any more....nope not even a little....I am so jealous I could spit!! Maybe even twice !!But I am at Tawni's school and I think they would look down on such a display..(especailly in the computer lab!)

Ok...ok..you know I still love ya....I am still JEALOUS though...notice the capitals...I mean every one of them.....

Kristina said...

Thanks girls! These comments are to keep forever. Jules, you are so cute. And Sundee, please don't spit.

Chickadeeva said...

If she spits twice then that counts as water weight :-)

Bickler3 said...

WOOHOO !! I'll take any weight loss I can !!