Monday, March 27, 2006

My M&M's are cruising right along!

I got measured this morning, and this last month I've lost another 8.5 inches! Making my grand total 44.5 inches thus far. My body fat % has gone down another 1.2 % as well. Bringing that total now up 4.5%. I feel like I am kicking some serious booty you guys!
I'm SOOO encouraged by those numbers. I mean, I can see the difference in how my clothes are fitting. But it's just so nice to see my hard work show up on the tape measure as well.
Getting into that size 10 doesn't seem so far fetched now. I still have a long ways to go. But it is an attainable goal, in fact, I may just surpass it.
Numbers from this weekend:
Day 76: 1,434 calories, 10 glasses of water, workout
Day 77: 1,519 calories, 8 glasses of water


Mom2the6Rs said...

Who is this skinny diva you are discribing??? Could it be? Way to go. I really am one of your biggest fans, girl. You are on top of the weight loss world!


Paige said...

WOW that's a ton of inches!!!

I finally weighed myself today, so I can keep track of my M&Ms!!

Bickler3 said...

Hey is that M&M car yours??? I love it !!