Thursday, March 09, 2006

A happy recipiant of miss baggy butts' clothes

I saw Julie yesterday and she generously gave me two bags of cool clothes that she has shrunk out of. Most of them fit me wonderfully. There's a couple of tops that I really need to lose a little more to feel comfortable in. But I am a happy camper. Thanks Jules, you blessed me! It just feels awesome to have clothes in a smaller sizes that fit properly. They really are more flattering when they're not hanging on you. :)
I've had a good week so far. I had my fourth workout this morning. Who knows, I may just go for the justo and get a solid six in this week. Now, that would be a first!
Well, here's my numbers:
Day 59: 1446 calories, 9 glasses of water, workout
Day 60: 1,653 calories, (whoops), 9 glasses of water, workout
Day 61: 1,450 calories, 10 glasses of water, workout

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

As I saved my post as a draft to locate the appropriate graphic, I saw that you just posted. So funny. Love you babe. You made yesterday such a joy for me. You were just beeming. I am so proud of you. This is only just the beginning of accomplishments for you. Skinny Young Thing!
