Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I really, quite honestly, am in shock

Okay, so, I weighed myself again this morning. And despite the pie, and despite my period, I have lost another 2.2 pounds! This is like crazy for me. Anyhow, I wanted to weigh because at Curves they were having a contest during their annual food drive,( which is two weeks long), to see who could lose the most weight and body fat percentage. And I my friends, am the champion! : ) I won another t-shirt. Yippee! And so, I am currently at a 34.2 pound loss. I can't believe it. I really can't. But you know, I believe that most of the reason why I have succeeded this far is because of the body type that I am. I build, and retain muscle mass relatively easily. And we all know that the more muscle that you have, the easier it is to burn calories. Anyhow, I hope that I am encouraging you ladies, and NOT discouraging you by my weight loss. I almost feel bad because some of you have really struggled for every pound. Well, let me just say this, if you are not currently excersizing, I encourage you to do so. And drinking lots of water helps too. I need to kick my water drinking back up a couple of notches myself.


Chickadeeva said...

Hee Hee!

It is so fun to hear the motivation in your tone. I know that you're infectious!

I knew when you did that run last year in Georgia that big things were in store for you!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Amazing, simply amazing! I am so proud of you, Honey! It's not just your muscle mass, you know, it is your determination and faithfulness.


Pink Slippers said...

Wow! That is wonderful! And, yes, you are completely irritating me with your rapid weight loss. Naw, not really, I am very happy for you! If I would stop sticking junk in my mouth that I should not be having (or at least in excess), I would be dropping probably a little faster. But I am content, I am not gaining! I truly am so very happy for you, especially to read your excitement in your posts, it is wonderful to share.

Kristina said...

Thanks girls. : )