Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Male Invasion has occurred! Welcome, Randy!

Welcome to the group, Randy! You are truly a brave man to join all of us of the female persuasion! I thoroughly have enjoyed getting to know you each week at the Prism meeting. You are an honest and very funny guy and those two qualities are of the highest regard here. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Now I can say that, like the chocolate banana, our blog is only 95% female!


Kristina said...

Welcome Randy. You brave soul!


Bickler3 said...

WOW!! You are husband won't even come to this's a good thing though...he's known for his snide comments and we don't need that here!! I do that well enough!

Coreen said...

Welcome Randy! Yes you are very brave and very smart to join all of us women :)


Chickadeeva said...

Welcome Randy! I hope we aren't too crazy for you!

Paige said...

Welcome to the brave male!! Some testosterone and male blood will do us good around here!