Thursday, May 27, 2010

Prayers for tomorrow and some stuff

Tomorrow I will be headed to my dad's house to help him with some chores he just can't get done at his spry age of 81. It is tough being at Dad's because EVERYTHING reminds me of Mom. The house even smells like my mom. The boys are going with me to help too.

I love to be there because it is home. I was brought home to that house when I was born and it has so many memories but I have always used food to medicate when I am in there. I use the time to eat at all my favorite restaurants which are not WW friendly. They all have one thing in common...lots of carbs!!

I have been sitting here tonight trying to to think of where we can go that will remind me of home but will be eating in my plan. I still have not come up with it yet but I will not stop until I do. I am also going to try to get a walk in around my favorite neighborhood.

I would appreciate your prayers tomorrow that I can eat within my points range, that my emotions will stay in check and that we will have a wonderful day with my Dad.

UPDATE:: I made some real good choices for meals. I had a grilled chicken salad for lunch and dipped the tongs of my fork into the dressing and ended up only eating about 1/4 of what I normally do. Dinner was had a bit more calories but I only ate half of what was served on my plate. This is a big accomplishment for me as I have always been a member of the "Clean Plate Club".

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

Amy, I just read this today and I am so proud of you! Coming home is a very hard environment, for me as well.