Wednesday, February 06, 2008

One hoof in front of the other

I think this is week three of my working back at the barn. While I decided not to try to ride right away, I have been getting my butt over and working with at least two horses.

There's a lot of walking, walking in mud, walking in poop, walking in the rain and walking to pick up things which have fallen.

There's a lot of brushing - which always makes me think of Karate Kid's "Wax ON and Wax OFF". I hope my pythons will be sick again soon.

Saturday is my birthday. I'll be 39, which is my last lap around the sun before I turn the official 40. I am a little freaked out. But at least I know that if I keep going with the horse thing in the morning, I am bound to get more strong. I must remain strong if I want to live a long time. (I don't wanna die!)


Jennifer said...

I'm 40, and honestly, it feels just like 38. It's the mind trip I pull on myself that is bad. That and suddenly discovering I have lots of wrinkles. I never really thought to look so closely before. I'm extremely near sighted and used to do my makeup without glasses on. Damn contact lenses. Now I can see all those wrinkles. It's alarming.

Anyway,try not to go on that trip. Just enjoy the fact that you are a vibrant, exciting, beautiful woman, who still has a lot to teach this world before you retire and start eating bon bons in your lazy boy. (well, do that occasionally too.)

Happy Birthday, Elica!

Chickadeeva said...

I rode today. I'm having a lesson tomorrow. That'll make riding twice in one week, boarding on Saturday as my activities for stamina.

My trainer said her goal for me is to ride 2x a week if not 3x. After doing that for about four to six weeks, I could start jumping her again!

I haven't even thought about jumping lately. However, my heart did indeed race when she said that!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Love you, girl. Have a wonderful birthday....I will miss seeing you that day. You bless me.


Chickadeeva said...

Got your card, Julie - thank you sweetie!!!