Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I've started a new class

Last week, my girl friend at the Y persuaded me to take a spinning class with her. She normally does it twice a week, I'd only done it once, last year. Once I tell you, because my back side hurt for like 2 1/2 days, and it was HARD, so I avoided doing it again. Last Thursday though, I thought that I'd give it another go, and I'm so glad that I did! I did it again this morning, and my butt's not even sore this time. That, and it's not quite as hard as I remember... probably because I'm stronger than I was several months ago. : ) At any rate, I'm going to be doing it twice a week for a while, just to change up my work out. So here's to trying something new, even when it's really tough. : )


Chickadeeva said...

I remember when you took that class last time. I also remember thinking that they must have named the class after the way your head feels when you're done!

I'm so proud of you for taking the class - and YES IT IS easier because you're more fit!

You kick, and apparently, you SPIN too!

Lisa said...

Yay for spin! That's awesome that you keep finding new ways to change up your workout! Have fun!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good job, Kristina! I think this is a great move for you in your workout routine. Keep that body of yours guessing! Ha! Watch out, I hear spinning is addicting.
