Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Checking In

It has been super-busy here at Chez Lisa, what with all the working (good), playing (better), and keeping out of trouble (best). I think have gained some weight but I'm scared to step on the scales. That said, I have never been fitter. Go figure.

I just ran my second half-marathon last weekend and improved even on my really good time from the first. I am going to run one (or maybe two) more this spring and then start marathon training. Who thought I would ever say that? Not me!

Anyway, I'm just checking in, posting a pic from Mile 13 on Saturday, and thinking about maybe getting serious about this losing weight thing here soon (I look so "fluffy" in the picture and that was the best one).

Hope the rest of y'all are doing well!

Love, Lisa


Kristina said...

Girlfriend! You do not look "fluffy", you look S-T-R-O-N-G! You ARE strong! I'm so very proud of you! A full marathon?!?!?!?!?

Mom2the6Rs said...

You look marvelous, Lisa! So good of you to post a pic. They are my favorites. You are amazing. You have truly reinvented yourself.

Way to go!
