Friday, February 22, 2008

Hi all, I have been absent for a while. I have spent the better part of the last two months eating my way through winter. I gained back nine pounds and found myself at 167. So I have been working on getting it back. I am sticking firmly to 1500 calories, have ditched meat completely and have managed to stop eating at night. It's only 6 days since I quit eating after 8 pm, but I am already back down out of the 160's. It just goes to show me that I can't budge if I want the scale to budge.

It has been hard getting off the Meridia and settling into my own weight loss plan, but I am hanging in there. The alternative of gaining back all the weight is just too scary. With this weight gain coming on in two months, it would take hardly any time to gain it all back again. Especially since we all know that it snowballs and the more you gain, the faster you gain it.

I don't want to go back to how I was. I was ready to quit this month and say, screw it, I'll just say I am in maintenance. But I wasn't in maintenance, I had not hit my goal and had not stayed at that goal. I was quitting and gaining.

Hopefully I am back for good. Wish me strength. Luck just won't cut it when it comes to hot dogs and fries. That's what the family had for dinner last night. I had veggies. It was really hard.


Chickadeeva said...

Oh Jan, I'm sorry you are struggling. This are some of the hardest parts - the pushing thru, the endurance.

I'm so proud of you though for clamping down - you can do it!

What is your goal weight again?

Mom2the6Rs said...

We are behind you. Honesty is your remedy. Remain true to you.
