Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Uninspired and simply BORED


Ugh. I hate being bored. There is so much to do here. A trampoline, dogs, birds, sewing, cleaning, so, so many things to keep me occupied. Yet, I remain feeling void. BORED.

What do you gals do when you are bored or feel that empty feeling - how do you keep yourself from 'filling' that sense by food?

I poured myself a big pint of coca-cola. I know, its not good for me, but I'm letting myself have a glass every day or so (rather than a can every hour or so). The scale said 148 again today, so I figure I have the treat coming.

Help me! What do you do??


Chickadeeva said...

I had two glasses then swicthed to V8.

Kristina said...

Good! Put the pop down! Do ya really love it that much??
Anyhow, I do get bored at times, that's why I've been trying new things at the Y.I'm fortunate enough to have that membership. : ) But while I'm at home, I know what makes me feel great, weather permitting, is doing yard work. You get a tremendous sense of accomplishment,(at least I do), and you get fresh air, and some fairly good excersize too.

Chickadeeva said...

ahhhhhhhhh....... yard work

Thanks Kris - and YES I do really like the coke. Its got caffeine and sugar - the magical mix!

I scaled this am to see an amazing 146

ONE FOURTY SIX? Unbelievable. I guess this eating food more often thing is working for my body :-)

Lisa said...

I try to do something that would make me slightly more interesting whenever I'm bored. Like play the piano (Chopin's nocturnes are pretty amazing to me), read a book in Spanish (southamerican and spanish lit), or change the venue and try to find a funky new corner of the city where I've never been before.

Also, I drink the sugar-free coke - the coke zero stuff - which is actually really good and more or less guilt free.

Chickadeeva said...

Thanks Lisa,

I can't drink the sugar free stuff. The substitute gives me a headache immediately. Waah.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I get out of the house. Jump into a good story. Call a chatter box friend. Surf Youtube videos that amaze me or crack me up.

Love you, Jules