Monday, May 19, 2008

I journaled this last week...

 I haven't kept a journal for a very long time, but one of the trainers at the Y encouraged me to start keeping one again, and to journal my excersize as well, and that she'd be taking a look at it. 
And wouldn't ya know, I lost 3.5 this week! That puts me at a 6.5 pound loss since I've actively started trying to lose again a few weeks ago. She also encouraged me to alternate my weights. Doing upper body one day, and lower body the next. I've been told this a number of times from various people, but have been resistant, until now. Every day I do cardio, and upper and lower body weights, as I am anxious to get my totals up and to be #1! But I've been thinking it through, and I've decided that I will yield on this point, and let my totals drop, so as to see a change in my body. I want to become leaner, not bulkier. And this involves doing more cardio as well. Weights are easy for me, I am incredibly strong for a woman. Cardio is not easy for me, and this challenges me. But if this helps me to get to my goal, than do it I shall. 


Chickadeeva said...

Journaling used to be one of the staples of this blog - we'd even post our journals waaay back in the day.

Good job doing the weights. I find that when I'm doing sets, instead of counting I do the alphabet...seems less like hard work :-)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Awesome! I am so proud of you for reevaluating what you need. I am rooting for you, girl. You are going to prance into your 40's with an amazingly healthy self, inside and out.