Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I'm feeling re-inspired!

Okay, I wore some jeans on Sunday that I've not worn for several months... ones that were starting to get a bit baggy on me, and they were too tight! I've worked too hard to let myself get fat again. I am NOT going to be fat for the holidays dangit!
So, I've been eating healthy again, drinking my water, and even started drinking green tea in the afternoons. I've already lost a few pounds since this weekend ladies. : ) I am encouraged, and determined. My goal is to lose 10-12 pounds more by Christmas. Does anyone else want to set some goals with me?


Chickadeeva said...

Kris, I'll join you in setting a goal. I resolve not to gain ANY weight thru to Jan 1st. My new years resolution should NOT be to lose weight!

Is that a goal? To not have a goal? (weight?)

Kristina said...

Yes Elicia, that IS a goal. Almost everyone gains over the holidays...
That in and of itself would be a good thing!

Lisa said...

Yay for inspiration! And goals! And, um...I can't think of anything else...oh right! And for being skinny babes! :)

My goals through Christmas are to: (1) adequately hydrate on a daily basis, (2) finish both of the major races I have coming up, and (3) do so injury free. I'm too scared of screwing up before race day(s) to set any specific weight goals, but I will pay better attention to general nutrition value of what goes in my mouth.

Coreen said...

I'm in as well. :) I'm starting back at Weight Watchers on Saturday. I'm getting out my exercise videos. My goals are:
1. To work out atleast twice a week and move up to 4 November.
2. Get back to drinking my water
3. Lose 10+ pounds by Christmas too.

Thanks Kristina for doing this :)

Mom2the6Rs said...

me. me. me. me.