Monday, April 07, 2008

For Future Reference

For those who are considering it, I do NOT recommend running 2 half marathons in the same week. I am so unbelievably sore that even my hair hurts.

But here goes...

Last weekend I ran a half hosted by one of my alma maters, which I found out after has the reputation as the hardest half in Texas. After all of those hills, I totally believe it. Even though I added 6 minutes onto my time, I was happy with the race. And then came this weekend, when I ran another half. This one was not so enjoyable and I could definitely tell I was tired. Whether that was the light cold I'd been battling all week or still being worn from the weekend before, I don't know. I again ran a slow half but you know what - I finished it in good time.

So here's my total: 26.2 miles run between both weekends (not including running during the week), almost 5,000 calories burned in 2 days, and down a pound. Not too shabby!

I hope everyone else is doing well (YAY JULES!) and I hope everyone has a great week.

As for me, I'm headed back to the ice bag. Because tomorrow I'm running some more.

Love y'all,


Chickadeeva said...

Way to go girl!

Hee hee - those types of activities remind you WHY you're doing what you're doing. The PAYOFF is greater that THE PAIN.


You rock so hard.

Kristina said...

WOW!! You have blown me away. I can't believe that you did two half marathons back to back. You motivate me!

Way to go girl, I'm so proud of you!!! : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, Lisa. Wow. What can I say. Keep on keeping on.
