Friday, January 16, 2009

Food Journaling

I'm on week two of writing down what I have been eating. It is easy enough since I basically only eat at home, and that not far from my computer.

Where do you journal and what is your main motivation? For accountability? For content?


Anonymous said...
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Chickadeeva said...

Well - regardless of the weak traffic of this site, I am encouraging myself and getting support for my journaling and food choices. I probably won't be posting much anymore because it feels like a diary, and I can do that myself.

I wish you all the best and am happy to encourage anyone who chooses to use this blog as a step towards better health. I'll be rooting for you LISA!

Lisa said...

That makes me sad that we're all falling away from this, Elicia. Please post every once in awhile just to keep in touch, okay?

Chickadeeva said...

Of course, Lisa! I'm not 'going' anywhere and after this being a habit for so long, I'm sure I'll pop in and look now and again! I'm just tired of my own voice. :-)