Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Go Girl GO!

Yay Me!

That's what I say to myself when I walk, exhausted and damp, from the swimming pool at the local high school. A friend and I are going a minimum of TWO days a week. I slept so well last night and felt so glad I was making the EFFORT to change.

I wanna live better, with more oxygen flow to my brain, greater vitality and MORE more!

What can I say YAY YOU about today???

ps. go drink some water.


Lisa said...

Yay You! :)

Chickadeeva said...

Yay Me Again! I just came back from another lap swim...so when am I going to see the benefits darn it??

Kristina said...

Yay you is right!
You can say yay for me, 'cause I'm gonna drink more water than ever today! I've really slacked off on my water intake, and it definetely does make a difference.

Chickadeeva said...

Yay You Kris!!

Chickadeeva said...

I rode Andie today - Yay ME again!!