Sunday, December 09, 2007

Me and my first Post

So I've finally figured out how to get on here and post! YIPPIE! Now if it only takes me this long to loose 50 pounds I'd be a happy girl! ~HaHa

I've had 2 babies in the last 3 years, and how the marks to prove it-:=}

Since we've decided we are done having babies, it's now time to 'get to work'. I don't yet have a game plan, other than getting a membership at 24 hour fitness and honoring a comitment to go at least 3 days a week. This is realistic for me right now. I'm also comiting to better eating, but giving myself some room over these great holidays. I'd just dissapoint myself otherwise.


Chickadeeva said...

Yay! You did it!

Welcome Maggie!

I saw the photos of your two children, and if cuteness was accounted for in weight then your kids would be GOLD BARS!

Unfortunately, the weight they left you with has to be dealt with. Have you got some photos of how you'd like to look (old ones?)

Some of the ladies here have some pretty good strategies for losing weight - Show her what you've got girls!

Oh, and Maggie - we have a 'frolic' once a year where we meet face to face (if location allows) and we shop together with our smaller bodies. Make sure you stay tuned for that.

Also - we have a Jingle Jiggle Challenge in effect - in fact - LISA - have you got an update for us?

Kristina said...

Welcome Maggie! : )I'm glad to see you posting. There's alot of great support here. It looks like you've got a plan in the works. Do be gentle with yourself over the next few weeks ... and do not set unrealistic goals for this time of year. During this time, most of us are doing well just to maintain and not gain. ( I'm just being real here).
Excercise, eating right, and water intake is the key. If you've seen any of my other posts, you'll realise that I work out all of the time, and that is alot of the reason why I've had success thus far. I've lost 82 pounds, and have 13 to go. But excercise needs to be coupled with conscience eating.

Dana said...

Hi Maggie!

First, congratulations on getting to work on your fitness and weight loss goals.

I think this site is a great way of combining people with different goals and success levels all to help each other.

That said, I'd definitely be interested in linking my blog about women's health and fitness to this site, or speaking with someone in charge of maintaining the site about having a guest post on my blog.

Please forward my information to whomever could help me, and visit my blog!

- Dana