Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Elicia Checking In

I've been hovering around 147 for a few weeks now and that's very exciting. My jeans are baggier and I've actually had comments from friends about how loose they fit. I've excavated my closet and found my skinny jeans, which were way baggy yesterday so I'll have to dig even further because I can't afford to buy new clothes, but I know I have something nice back there...

I'm not doing anything special, just trying to keep up the water and stuff. YAY


Jennifer said...

AWESOME! Nothing like the feeling of baggy skinny jeans!

Kristina said...

Hey baggy butt! That's pretty exciting. : )
Lookin' forward to seeing you in a couple of days.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, girl! Love you. J