Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm still here, just so ya know...

I've not posted anything for a while, but I thought you ladies would appreciate knowing that I am still indeed here! : )
My personal life has been super busy this last few weeks. I've had my younger sister move in with us, and I'm thinking it's a fairly permanent thing... but this is a really good thing. I've been helping out a couple of different friends, one has breast cancer, and the other just had knee surgery. Combined with working part time, and running a household, I've been really, really busy. But I'm doing well. I'm still working out five days a week, but all of the gung-ho newbies with their New Year's resolutions at the Y are making me look bad calorie wise. When I checked this morning, I was #47 for all members calories burned. BUT, I am sustaining my #1 spot for weight lifted. : )Can't stop me!
As for weight, I'm up a few, down a few. I'm the same. I think I might start journaling
I love you all. : )

1 comment:

Chickadeeva said...

I'd like to say that I'm happy with the light hearted approach you have to the change in your numbers standing :-)

I'm sure those Y-ladies would like a chance to feel they are the #1 and it is gracious of you to share that spot with them - HEE HEE